How to get a Scholarship to Study in Canada in 2024 - Globe Visa Consultancy

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How to get a Scholarship to Study in Canada in 2024

Are you aspiring to further your education in Canada? With its prestigious universities and multicultural ambiance, Canada is a favored choice for students worldwide. However, financing your studies overseas can seem daunting. Luckily, scholarships provide a pathway to realizing your aspirations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate the process of obtaining a scholarship to study in Canada in 2024.

Does Canada Offer Scholarships For International Students?

In Canada, international students have access to a range of scholarships offered by universities, colleges, and organizations. These scholarships can cover full or partial tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes research costs for those pursuing studies in Canada.

Apart from institutional scholarships, the Canadian government also provides funding opportunities for international students. Notable programs include the Canada Graduate Scholarships Program, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, which support both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

These scholarships are valuable as they can alleviate the financial burden associated with studying abroad. Some scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, requiring applicants to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements.

Before you begin searching for scholarships, it’s important to understand the different types available. Canadian universities offer scholarships specifically for international students, which generally fall into two categories: need-based and merit-based.

Need-based scholarships are intended for students who require financial assistance to pursue their studies. They are typically awarded to students from lower-income backgrounds or those facing financial challenges. On the other hand, merit-based scholarships are given to students with exceptional academic records and achievements.

Knowing the distinction between these types of scholarships will help you target the right opportunities based on your specific circumstances and strengths.

High School Scholarships

High school scholarships in Canada cater to talented students demonstrating academic excellence, leadership, or unique skills. Offered by universities, colleges, and organizations, these scholarships cover various areas including academics, sports, arts, and community involvement. They alleviate financial barriers by funding tuition, living expenses, or extracurricular activities. Eligibility criteria typically include academic performance, letters of recommendation, and essays.

Each program has specific requirements, necessitating diligent research and adherence to application guidelines. Securing a high school scholarship in Canada can propel students toward their educational goals and future opportunities, enabling them to thrive and excel in their academic pursuits.

Scholarship For Undergraduate Students

Scholarships for undergraduate students in Canada cater to academic merit, financial need, and leadership potential. These scholarships, offered by universities, colleges, government agencies, and private organizations, cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes additional costs like textbooks. Eligibility criteria often include academic performance, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and extracurricular involvement.

Securing an undergraduate scholarship in Canada significantly eases the financial burden of higher education and supports students throughout their academic journey. It empowers deserving students to excel academically and make meaningful contributions to their fields of study.

Scholarships For Masters Students

Scholarships for master’s studies in Canada support students based on academic excellence, research potential, and leadership qualities. These scholarships, offered by universities, government bodies, and private donors, cover tuition fees, living expenses, research costs, and travel expenses.

Applicants typically need to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, provide letters of recommendation, submit a research proposal or statement of purpose, and showcase relevant experience. Receiving a master’s scholarship in Canada alleviates financial burdens and enables students to focus on advancing their knowledge and skills. It opens doors to valuable opportunities for research, professional development, and future career success in their chosen field of study.

Eligibility For Scholarship In Canada

To qualify for scholarships in Canada, you need to meet specific criteria set by each scholarship program. These criteria can vary but commonly include academic performance, financial need, leadership qualities, and community engagement.

Academic achievement is a key factor, often requiring a certain grade point average (GPA) or academic standing. Financial need may be assessed based on income levels or other financial circumstances.

Moreover, showcasing leadership skills through extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or holding leadership positions can enhance your eligibility. Your involvement in the community and personal accomplishments also play a role in many scholarship applications.

It’s important to carefully review the eligibility requirements for each scholarship you’re interested in to determine if you qualify and to maximize your chances of securing scholarship funding in Canada.

Scholarship Names For International Students In Canada

Scholarship NameRecipientScholarship Amount
Ontario Trillium ScholarshipInternational Ph.D. Students studying in Ontario$40,000 CAD for 4 years
Vanier Canada Graduate ScholarshipPh.D. Students from All Areas of Study$50,000 CAD per year for 3 years
NSERC Post Graduate ScholarshipInternational Students studying Natural Science & Engineering$17,500 CAD per year for 4 years
Mitacs AccelerateResearch Internship Program for International Postgraduate Students$15,000 CAD per month for 4 months
CIHR Doctoral AwardsInternational Students studying Health Science$35,000 CAD per year for 3 years
SSHRC Doctoral FellowshipInternational Students studying Humanities & Social Science$35,000 CAD per year for 3 years
CSS Masters AwardsMaster’s students$17,500 CAD for 1 Year

How To Apply For Scholarship In Canada?

Step-by-step process of how to apply for a scholarship in Canada:

Step 1:

To start applying for a scholarship, the first thing you should do is look into scholarships that fit your qualifications, interests, and educational plans. You can find scholarships by searching online, attending seminars, or going to fairs where you can learn more about the different opportunities available. This research will help you identify scholarships that align with your goals and increase your chances of finding the right one for you.

Step 2:

Once you’ve selected the most suitable scholarships for your needs, it’s time to begin the application process. Each application will vary, but generally, you will be required to submit a personal statement, letters of recommendation, academic transcripts, and other necessary documents. Be prepared to tailor each application to meet specific requirements and deadlines, showcasing your qualifications and aspirations effectively.

Step 3:

Once you’ve submitted your scholarship applications, the next step is to wait patiently and stay in touch with the scholarship provider. It’s important to confirm that all your required documents have been received. This step is critical in the application process, so maintaining communication and ensuring everything is in order will help keep your application on track.

Step 4:

If you’ve been selected as a candidate, your scholarship provider might request a live interview, typically conducted online for international students through video conferencing. It’s important to prepare thoroughly for this interview by researching the scholarship provider, understanding their mission, and familiarizing yourself with your field of study. This preparation will help you present yourself confidently and effectively during the interview, showcasing your enthusiasm and qualifications for the scholarship opportunity.

Step 5:

Once you receive a scholarship, it’s important to continue meeting the eligibility requirements for the duration of the scholarship. This might involve maintaining a specific grade point average (GPA) or engaging in extracurricular activities as specified by the scholarship terms. Failing to meet these requirements could lead to losing the scholarship, so it’s crucial to stay informed and fulfill the obligations to ensure the continuation of your scholarship support.


What types of scholarships are available for studying in Canada?

Scholarships in Canada can be broadly categorized into government-funded scholarships, university-specific scholarships, and private scholarships offered by organizations and foundations. These can cover tuition fees, living expenses, or both.

How do I find scholarships to study in Canada?

Start by researching on official Canadian government websites, university websites, and reputable scholarship databases. Use keywords like “international student scholarships in Canada” or “study in Canada scholarships 2024” to narrow down your search.

What are the eligibility criteria for Canadian scholarships?

Eligibility criteria vary by scholarship, but commonly include academic merit, proficiency in English or French (depending on the program), and sometimes financial need. Some scholarships may also have specific requirements related to the field of study or nationality.

When should I apply for scholarships to study in Canada?

Deadlines vary, but generally, it’s advisable to start your scholarship search and application process at least 6-12 months before your intended start date. Some scholarships have early deadlines that may be a year in advance.


In conclusion, pursuing a scholarship to study in Canada in 2024 requires dedication, thorough research, and strategic planning. By starting early, identifying suitable scholarships, and carefully preparing your application materials, you can significantly enhance your chances of securing funding for your studies. Remember to showcase your academic achievements, personal strengths, and commitment to your field of study in a compelling and authentic manner. Stay proactive, utilize available resources, and don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance throughout the process. With perseverance and a well-prepared application, you can turn your dream of studying in Canada into a rewarding reality.